
New Routines

I went back to work 2 weeks ago and Adam starts class again tomorrow so we've been settling into a new routine here. We are so fortunate to have my Mom and Adam's Mom come to our house to watch the kids so that their schedules are interrupted as little as possible. Henry's been taking bottles like a champ and the transition for both of them has been seamless. It makes it so much easier going back to work knowing that they're happy and with someone they love.
The freezing cold weather has made it hard to want to leave the house lately, and to top it off we all got hit with colds last week. We were sad to miss out on some playdates with friends and cousins, but are all feeling better now and ready to play!
The happiest baby ever:)
Ava's missed her Jumperoo. All I can think of is the movie "Elf" when I look at these pictures.

Almost put this out for recycling before we realized what an awesome coloring box it made! We spent most of the morning drawing on this.

Pretty excited about her flower, heart, and star peanut butter sandwiches:)


  1. Hard to believe they have grown so much in less than a month! What happy kids:)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am the lucky one to be able to spend time with these two monkeys!
