
Thanksgiving in Sanibel

We spent last week at Gumpy Yaya's condo in Sanibel with Grammy, Pops, Uncle Ted and my Grandparents who live in Venice, Nana and Grampy Ted.   It was so wonderful to share Sanibel with my family since it's a place Adam has been going to since he was Ava and Henry's age.  He and I have been almost every other year for the past 10 years and would love to make it an annual visit. 

The weather was absolutely perfect - sunny and 80 degrees - and the kids did a great job traveling (despite the 2 hours we spent on the tarmac waiting for our plane to be de-iced during the first snow fall in Mpls...).  Spending the morning on the beach before having Turkey Dinner was pretty awesome, too:)  Here are some of my favorites from our trip.

Ava 'shooing' the birds up and down the beach.  She would have done this all day every day if she could. 

All time favorite.

Taking a cruise to Cabbage Key for our 'Cheeseburger in Paradise'.

Someone else's creation, but so perfect.


Head Wound

Today Henry learned that the only thing that hurts more than stepping on a Duplo, is stepping on a Duplo and slicing your head open while falling on another. Lucky for us we were headed to the Dr this morning already so I called our nurse and she said they could glue it together- no stitches needed. He did great, his Dr actually asked him to cry more so they could squeeze it together even tighter. Then they topped off his morning with another ear infection and flu booster shot. Poor guy couldn't catch a break today, but he handled it all like a champ.


Henry's 1st Haircut

First haircut with Greg The Barber.

Let's take a little off these wings back here, sound good? 

Who needs a TV during a haircut when you've got a cool chair with things that open and close.  (And a random tire guage from Mommy's purse...)   

Lookin' good, Big Boy.



Pre-Halloween festivities on Sunday at Boo Bash on Grand Ave - complete with a petting zoo of goats, ponys, chickens, sheep, a llama and a porcupine.  Costumes and animals = pure joy.

I can get in there too, right?!!!

Halloween night with cousins!
Emmett - Captain America, Miles - Batman, Gray - Superman 

Strawberry Shortcake

Penelope - Pony


Scarlett - Tiger 
(back-up costume when hers went missing in the dressing frenzy)

Much happier as a Flower.

Ready for Trick-or-Treating!!

 My closest attempt at getting all 7 under 7.  Hopefully someone else got a better one:)

Spidey and Spiderman.

Happy Halloween!