
Future Doctor?

Maybe a Vet given her love of animals?
No matter what her future holds, we had a great family day at the Children's Museum last weekend.



Here Comes Spring

Somebody's ready for some serious snow melting this weekend.


Party Party Party!

3 Birthday Parties in 1 week! We've been busy. Below are a few highlights from the festivities.
The Birthday Girl - pure joy:)
Ava busted out her best dance moves at her party. Thanks to my mom for catching it on video!
Happy 1st Birthday, Penelope!
Emmett striking a pose.
Miles loves hamming it up for the camera.
Somebody liked her cuppie-cake.
Gumpy reading to his girls.
Happy Birthday Ava, Auntie Alix and Penelope!


Ava is 2!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ava!! You have grown up so much this past year and amaze your Daddy and I with every new thing you do.
You love reading books and to being read to (anything Dr. Seuss, The Berenstain Bears, or anything Uncle Ted picks out).
You love animals and being outdoors doing anything: going for walks, playing at the park or in the yard, learning about gardening with Daddy, splashing in puddles, exploring plants and nature, and just breathing fresh air. It's been a long winter indoors, but when we finally get some warmer weather I know it will be hard to get you back inside at night.
You already have a passion for music and dancing and it's a big part of our days and nights. You are a great dancer and we love seeing you develop new signature moves.
You are the BEST cuddler ever. Hands down. You love giving huggie kissies and give the best big squeezies around the neck to really show how much you love someone.
Most of all, you are the best big sister to Henry. He absolutely adores you and already looks up to you. From the day he was born you have been so gentle, loving, and attentive to his needs. You make sure to give him hugs and kisses every day, and always stop what you are doing when he wakes up so you can say "Hi!" to him.
Happy Happy Birthday, Ava! You are such a happy, loving, gentle, and carefree little girl and we love you more than words can express. Big Huggie Kissies from Daddy, Mommy, and Henry.